Student Induction is an annual event that takes place shortly after the new class is formally welcomed and enrolled. Its purpose is to ease the transition into college life, familiarize students with campus life, and encourage the development of strong interpersonal relationships among students. This academic year’s Induction program was held from 16th June to 23rd June 2023 for all ten cohorts of MBA core and MBA (HCM). Mr. Rajiv Vij, Life and Executive Coach, Author and Speaker was invited as a chief guest for the Inauguration Ceremony of MBA, MBA HCM 2023-25.
The induction activity is carried out for approximately 630 students. Seventeen modules were designed through the week to occupy the incoming students. To support the lecture sessions, physical and mental health sessions such as Counselling Session, Yoga and Fitness through Dance are organized for the students. The incoming classes are taught the institution’s ideals and ethics and educated about the ways to present oneself through Etiquettes and Grooming as well as Social Media Etiquettes and Grooming. Incoming students are trained in emergency relief such as CPR Technique and Fire Rescue through interactive demonstrations and lectures. This year critical thinking was captured through courses, such as Case Study Analysis, Creativity Workshop, Communication Formats through Ken and Economist, and Management Thought Leaders. To enhance the overall experience, students were also oriented to the institute facilities such as International Relations and Certification Courses, Omniverse Lab, and Online Databases. Students’ enthusiastic involvement in dancing and fitness activities taught by fitness gurus was a testament to their eagerness to learn.
At KJSIM, we believe that no education, no matter how vast, is complete if it simply teaches you how to make a living. “Code of Conduct” and “Self-Reflection” modules are required in each MBA course. We encouraged students to develop strong character, responsibility, and discipline through a variety of activities. Through yoga and creative workshops, students have learned life’s meaning.
Each division received one day of Outbound training on campus from 16th June onwards. Effective outbound programs enhance self-development, social and emotional maturity, collaboration, and leadership.
Every student’s voice is heard and valued, and we are all dedicated to making improvements to our curriculum so that it better serves the needs of our students. Some of the glimpses of student’s valuable comments have been captured.

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