Truly, “Good things come to those who hustle” because they work harder than everyone else and are willing to put in the hours for the betterment of the society.
Invited as a part of Indian Delegation by Italian Trade Agency Mumbai, I, Mr Deven Sharma, Chief Director, Maker Mela accompanied Mr Prerak
Gala, Community Manager, Riidl Somaiya Vidyavihar and KJSCE alumni to explore synergies with the makers’ community at Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition.
Over the years, Riidl Somaiya Vidyavihar has recognized all the hard work and the extra efforts that I have been putting in the Maker Mela
community to bring it closer and to empower the makers.
Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition is an event dedicated to innovation, technology, science, entertainment and business in a unique format which combines physical and virtual experiences to create real business opportunities. It aims at bringing together bright minds that are idea-focused, at fostering-learning, inspiration and wonder – and provoking conversations that matter.
I believe that innovation only survives when people have trust in their own ideas. At national and international events including Maker Mela and Maker Faire Rome, I see their passion towards encouraging youth to participate and showcase their creativity and innovative ideas that will eventually shape the future of the world. While we interacted with global technology leaders like Masimo Banzi, Founder of Arduino, he shared the vision of enabling anyone to enhance their lives through digital technologies and the role of Arduino that gives a boost to the Maker Movement.
Economy, democracy and technology all lie in the hands of the Youth. The answer to solve the challenges that are faced by the world lies with the next generation. To optimally tap the creative energies of the youth, we must encourage them to participate in nation-wide activities by educating & involving the youth about the innovation & entrepreneurial ecosystem. Being in my undergrad days, I am grateful to receive a lot of opportunities that will eventually help me empower the youth with the kind of experiences & learnings I gain at these nation-building activities.
Deven Sharma, Third Year, Computer Engineering, K J Somaiya College of Engineering
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